Sunday, May 17, 2015


I recently started seeing my ex again. No, not a random dude I dated for a couple of weeks. I started seeing the ex that I spent two years cohabitating with. We've been broken up for almost 3 years now. I describe my time with him to most people as 'the worst 2 years of my life.' He doesn't know that. And somehow, we managed to spark 3 years after my escape. I don't say 'spark again', because we never sparked in the first place, which is just one of the reasons that it was such a terrible 2 years. 

Anyway, I found myself really liking the guy. The guy I once thought of as stupid, indecisive, shallow, unmotivated, insecure, and lacking personality grew up to be ambitious, educated, well spoken, humorous, and delightful. I must REALLY be desperate if I'm thinking like that! It's like a man mirage in the dating desert. 

(hehehehe...that's funny. I'm the funniest person I know) 

So yesterday I had the talk with him, the 'we can't be just a casual thing' talk. He said that he had a lot to think about with it and we left it at that. During that time, I was in the process of going to a graduation party and was driving an hour to Denver for the party, which is conveniently where he also lives. On my way up there, I found out that it was going to be a much more casual party than I originally presumed. I was way overdressed. I brought an extra outfit just in case so I called the ex to ask if I could get his opinion and maybe change clothes at his place. He said that he and a friend were planning to go grab a drink so he would not be home. I asked him if he could possibly wait half an hour or leave his door unlocked. I begged him. I pleaded my case. I told him it would only take a minute. He said no. 


Excuse me? You know this is the girl you said you wanted to be your girlfriend right? I was pissed. And hurt. I actually cried in my car over it. It seems like a small thing for me to get so upset over, but I actually had feelings for this guy. We had such a long history, and to get a refusal to be mildly inconvenienced by someone that supposedly cares about you? At that moment, it was clear that this was not someone I wanted in my life in any capacity. Who needs enemies when you have boyfriends like that!?


When we were talking about this, and I was whining about not wanting to be overdressed, he said something so perfectly. He reminded me that I was going to be surrounded by friends who loved me and didn't care what I was wearing. I glossed over his words initially. I texted him and basically told him to fuck off and never talk to me again. I had a good cry and wallowed in my frustration and hurt for a few minutes. Then I parked my car and walked into the party. My friends told me how great I looked and what an asshole my ex was (and is). They reassured me that I would find my guy eventually, and we reveled in our friends' accomplishments like good friends do. I forgot all about my hurt feelings and eventually passed out on the floor of the guestroom. I know it wasn't super inconvenient for my friend to house me, but when I thanked her she said, "That's what the guestroom is for." And I thought, 'who needs a boyfriend with friends like that?'

Saturday, May 16, 2015


I'm pissed. I'm done. I'm pissed and done. I am tired of being some man's entertainment. I'm tired of being a texting buddy when they're lonely. I'm tired of being amusement when they're away from home. I'm tired of spending my energy and money and time to be nothing put a toy taken out and played with and put back on a shelf when it's all over. I'm tired of saying' yes' when I want to say 'no'. I'm tired of staying up when all I want is to sleep. I'm tired of bending so they don't have to. I'm tired of making two puzzle pieces fit when they don't. I'm tired of batting away half-witted compliments when I want to tell you your eyes are the color of dirt. I'm tired of overlooking your lies and broken promises and business trips and missed communication. I'm tired of being a matter of convenience for you. I'm tired most of all of giving a shit what they think and trying to be something I hope to God one of them could love forever. I'm tired of being the sex kitten, the 'Susie-homemaker', and the one to bring home the bacon. I'm tired of missing them, and thinking 'if only', and and jumping to answer their phone calls. I'm tired of being embarrassed about my simple lifestyle, my double bed that I share with my 2 dogs, and stack of dirty dishes in the sink.

I'm tired of being the witty, funny, smart thing I think you want me to be. I'm not apologizing. I'm no longer faking. I'm no longer covering it up. Don't text me. Don't call me. Don't show up at my house. Don't ask me out at 9pm on a Tuesday night. Don't throw my dogs off the bed while you try to undress me. Don't make me feel guilty for not wanting you to spend the night. Don't make me feel guilty for not saying what you thought I should. I don't care what I'm missing out on. I don't care what a 'catch' you are. I don't care about how many drinks you buy me or how nice your car is, how many 14ers you've climbed, countries you've traveled to, animals you've killed, strippers you've dated. I don't care how many names you call me, misogynistic epithets you give, I don't care. I am done.

*no boys were harmed in the making of this blog post