Tuesday, June 3, 2014

My Return

I'm returning after quite a long hiatus. I haven't been un-single, just away from my desk.

I'm still single. Still dating. Everything in my life is pretty much the same as it has been for the last several years. The faces might have changed. Some of the details have changed, but my life is still basically the same, honestly, since I was 20. That was when I moved here. 8 years ago.

I will say that my heart is different. Someone reminded me of that the other day when I said this to them. 

I know I'm stronger than I was 8 years ago. I'm smarter. I'm more loving. I'm more honest. I'm more forgiving. I'm more accomplished. I guess if you look at it that way, I am more. 

Anyway, I've decided to make some changes to this blog. I've decided that instead of being funny, I just want to be honest. That can sometimes be funny. And sometimes not so much. 

The truth in this moment is that I'm on the mend. I just had my heart broken for the BILLIONTH time. I'm confused and frankly scared of becoming desperate. Nothing is uglier than a desperate woman. I am by no means desperate for a date. I go on plenty of dates and have never struggled to get the attention of men. However, though some say I've become a serial dater, I am truly looking for someone to spend my life with. I'm looking for passionate, all-consuming, inconvenient, crazy love.

In the meantime until it comes my way, I'm busy dating. And looking under every rock and hiding place for love. That might be ugly and not funny. In the middle of it, I'm learning how to let go of it. I'm learning how to be ok with the idea that it might not ever happen. I'm learning to be strong. And being strong in this situation means not becoming bitter, not losing hope. No matter what.

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