Sunday, July 15, 2012

Risky Business

How does this stuff happen to me? Seriously, sometimes it feels like I'm living in a comic novel. If this is true, I wonder what the title is? I Accidentally Moved In With A Stripper: The Life of Rachael Chitty or "Get It From the One You're F***ing" and other wisdom from Dad. Probably something like that.

Honest time: I'm (meaning was) currently dating two eligible men. Very cute. Very sweet. Very eligible. When comparing the two, which I'm told one should never do, one was a risk, while the other was a "sure thing". (What kind of investor am I?)

Well, comparing the two is what I was doing when I blew off the more riskier of the two investments to spend time with my "Sure Thing". I told "Risky Business", we will call him, I was too tired to hangout and that I wanted to spend time with my brother. "Sure thing" and I decided to go out with some of his roommates' friends for a quick drink. We sat down at a table full of guys when I look over to hear someone calling my name. Who do I see? "Risky Business" calling my name with a questioning look in tow. My brain immediately turned to mush. What do I say? How should I act? What would either one of them think? Fortunately, I managed a meager wave, hello, and managed to snub "Risky Business" while not showing too much attention to "Sure Thing." "Risky Business" left immediately after the encounter.

I wasn't quite sure how to explain my relationship with "Risky Business" to "Sure Thing." How much do I tell? Mostly, I just sat there with my mouth hanging open completely confounded that this even happened. So I casually mentioned that me and "Risky Business" had a dating relationship. I immediately texted my brother and asked him to come and meet me. He always knows how to make me laugh in those situations. He shows up, and the rest of "Sure Thing's" friends leave. It is me, my brother, and "Sure Thing" sitting at the table. Kind of awkward. My brother and I were commenting on how the situation could not have been more awkward when "Risky Business" approaches and asks to buy me a drink. Shit. How do I get out of this one? I scramble and say, "I already have one." Luckily, I had a sip or two left of my whiskey sour. Again, he urges me, "It's ok. I'll buy you another one." I look over at "Sure Thing" to see his heart beating out of his chest. "Risky Business" is 6'5" and 240lbs. "Sure Thing" is 5'7". "Sure Thing" looks at "Risky Business" and says, "I've got her, bro. I've got her."

Eep!! Luckily, "Risky Business" is not a fighter and backed away extremely confused.

In the end, I felt horribly for even putting the two of them in that situation. I lied, and it caught up with me. I had a lot of apologizing to do after that.

I do think I'm a great catch (if you can catch me), but I'm certainly not worth fighting over. This all goes back to the idea I firmly believe in that most situations will come to a head, or a fork, or something like that, and you will have that moment that you have to make a choice about which road you want to travel down.

Turns out, they were both risky business, but I was the riskiest business of all.

This is why I'm single.

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