Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Brazilian bust

A few weeks ago, I went on a pretty bad date. Clearly, I'm still pissed about it. This guy was orignally from Brazil and lived 2 and 1/2 hours north from me while finishing up his PhD in some kind of animal science studies. I had never been there, and somehow thought it was only 1 and 1/2 hours north. It was around 6pm when I finally showed up.

Before getting there, he told me the plan was for us to take a walk, then do something about dinner, and go to a country line dancing bar afterwards. So, of course, I showed up dressed to go out. What? I can walk in heels. Little did I know, by 'walking', he meant 'hiking'. He was clearly disappointed that I showed up looking like a million bucks, sans hiking boots. (Only in Colorado)

So we went on a walk around his neighborhood with some flip flops borrowed from his roommate. We had pretty good conversation about politics and funny dates we had been on. When we arrived back at his house, I thought we were going to have dinner of sorts because it was like...dinner time. No. No dinner. He didn't even mention dinner. We just got ready to go out and stood around watching his roommates eat dinner.

In between all of this he was trying to kiss me. When I was clearly freaked out by his forwardness, his excuse was that he was Brazilian. This, in my opinion, was not a reasonable excuse for anything except for an accent.

We went to the country line dancing bar where he immediately surrounded himself with a circle of (ugly) women. He was standing with his back completely towards me like I wasn't even there. He didn't introduce me. He didn't even acknowledge me for at least 15 minutes or more. Needless to say, I was visibly annoyed. I had more conversation with his (hot) roommates than him the whole night. They thought the guy was crazy. He eventually noticed that I wasn't having a good time. At that moment is when he chooses to say, "Hey, there are 2 or 3 girls who want me to dance with them. Is that ok with you?"

After the night was over, he tried to get me to sleep over. I made it clear I would be driving home that evening. Before I left he said, "I had a great time tonight, but I won't be back until October, so I will call you then." At that point, I had pretty much had it with this guy. I finally called him out and asked why he would go out on a date with someone when he was going to be gone for 5 months.

This was the part that KILLED me. He started acting like I was a psycho. I believe the patented phrase is "on his nuts." "It's not like you're my girlfriend. I have to travel for work. You have to deal with that. I'm not looking to get married tomorrow." And on and on. What the hell? Why is that at the moment a woman holds a man accountable for anything, she's a psycho? Men somehow know that is the worst thing you could call a girl. Forget "bitch" "whore" and other names, psycho is the one word that supersedes any other name. Luckily, this time I didn't fall for it. I grabbed my stuff and left.

I can say this, never again will I drive any lengthy distance for a man who is not my father, brother, boyfriend, husband, or son, or any variation thereof. I also won't date another Brazilian in wranglers and a cowboy hat.

This is why I'm single!

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