Monday, June 18, 2012


Shortly after my most recent break up, I went on several dates with a guy after several suggestions to date older men. We had a couple of great dates, but spent most of our communication texting because he lived 45 minutes away.

Instantly, we had a lot of friction. He started a fight with me when I didn't immediately return his texts. He accused me of being "shady" for being so consumed with my school, work, and other obligations not to return his texts. What I really wanted to say: you ain't that hot, honey. What I did say: F*** off, bro.

After that episode, we had several other good dates, but after each one he would text me something ridiculous like, "I think you're hiding something." "You make too many herpes jokes. You shouldn't joke like that." "Your issues seem like just an excuse for you to act like a slut." etc.

The main thing that pissed me off about this was that I actually tried. After our texting argument, I actually tried to respond in a timely manner to his texts. I would send him texts to let him know I was thinking about him. I made the effort to drive to see him several times. I even sent him photos of wind turbines I saw on my way to Texas (He makes wind turbines for a living). I told him that though I wanted to take things slowly, I let him into my life. We even became facebook friends!!

After I had enough, I texted him explaining that he was just mean, and I was sick and tired of it. Never contact me again. Sure enough, several weeks later I get a facebook message saying that I had been super dramatic about the whole thing, and he wanted to stay friends. Seemed silly especially since he lived in another town. Pueblo, a town I have grown to loathe with every ounce of my being, and tried never visit to at all costs. So I appeased him and said, "OK, we're friends."

I tell you what! Not a couple days later and I receive a text. "Hey! I need a favor. I need you to research that tax problem I had."

Excuse me? Did I hear you right? You plagued my life for a month and a half, accuse me of being dishonest, call me shady and other names, and you have the audacity to ask me to give you what I charge other for, for free?

...that sounded wrong.

...did I mention he's bald and has ED?

This is why I'm single.

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