Monday, June 11, 2012

Hear ye! Hear ye!

I’m looking for love. Who isn’t? We all crave that feeling of butterflies in our stomach, the feeling of being on a rollercoaster when you kiss for the first time, and mostly we all want love to last forever. So where along the way did men learn that cheesy pickup lines, lack of manners, and crude jokes were the way to lasting love?

I know I probably sound like one of those embittered women who blame all of their problems on men. Nope. That is not me, not one bit. I used to be bitter, but I made the decision several years ago to let go of it all and laugh. I do believe that love wins, and until it does win in my life, I’m going to laugh at all of the crazy, ridiculous, awkward moments along the way.  So here goes, this blog will be my special place to unload all of the craziness that is dating. I ultimately hope to find true love and have a few laughs along the way.

I, hereby, call this blog: “This is why I’m single”.

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